Smart Health Care City | Ben Guerir, Maroc
Technical sheet

Smart Health Care City | Ben Guerir, Maroc

Ben guerir, Maroc
Under construction

Launched in 2009 by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, as part of the UM6P Group's major development projects, the Green City Mohammed VI aims to establish itself as a world-class university hub. Its vocation is to offer an attractive and ecologically exemplary living environment around an ecosystem of knowledge.

The Mohammed VI Green City is positioning itself as a new city, with both local and national dimensions.

With the same spatial presence as Mohammed VI University further east of the city, the silhouette of the new Smart Health Care City Hospital of Benguerir is presented along Avenue No. 200. He seems to have always been there.

Like a citadel overlooking the avenue, it is like a haven of peace and relief. Its main facade, its emergency entrance facade, faces south-east, towards the rising sun, towards avenue n ° 200. The moucharabieh which fills this facade plan express the quiet strength, the serenity of this major public facility for the entire region. The hospital is there, like a generous and welcoming citadel that watches over its population, providing the necessary care for the population.

The new construction we have planned is immediately adjacent to the university. The height of the frame is equivalent, but its program is more compact. Alongside this blocky figure, we offer a compact Hospital (a kind of modern “Bîmâristân”) which will allow rigorous interior functions while reducing the distances between departments as much as possible. A modern building serving the patients and staff of the Hospital.

Our project consists of three buildings, the first the general hospital in a quadrangle 105 meters long, 108 meters wide and 17 meters high, whose geometry is aligned with that of the avenue and the second the building SSR is located to the north of the site along the future garden in a trapezoidal shape. To the south of the park, the geriatrics centre is taking shape.

The new General Hospital, accessible from the roundabout to the east, is served by the loop of Rue n ° 11. It is organized in section on 4 levels

At the heart of the plan, two gardens in the ground serve as a welcome, places to wander and wait for visitors and their families. These two gardens are surrounded by general circulation, which does not affect the privacy of the premises. The other patios of the building are inaccessible to the public, which guarantees the privacy of the adjacent premises.

The new SSR building, accessible from Rue n ° 11. It is organized in section on 5 levels

Like the heliotropic plants, the four facades of our project are differentiated. They are here, as much by the program they contain as by their orientation in relation to the sun.

The General Hospital building expresses lightness through its raised white horizontal volume.

The SSR building expresses its domesticity through vertical earth-red moldings anchored to the ground.

Two simple and rational themes contribute to their plastic composition:

- A fiber concrete Moucharabieh surrounds the entire quadrilateral of the Hospital on levels R + 1, R + 2 and R + 3: it helps to assert the unity of the building, to give rhythm to its horizontality and to offer the both privacy and sun protection at these three special levels.

- Fixed solar protection devices whose role is also partly structural: large vertical structures punctuate the North-West and South-West facades of the SSR. Their depth is different depending on the orientation. On the south-east and south-west facades, horizontal sun shades protect the windows of the premises from direct solar radiation.

Fiche Technique

New construction


Cost construction
€ 105 Million excluding tax

Net Floor Area
58 000 m² SDO
70 000 m² SHO

Architecture contest 2019
Studies + construction phase 2022-2025


General hospital 120 beds + 80 beds, 8 operating theaters, 6 birthing rooms, 15 intensive care beds,
120-bed follow-up care and rehabilitation center,
Geriatrics Center with a capacity of 70 beds and places.



Associate architect


